Social Media is here to stay, I don’t think there is anyone that will dispute this. Will it remain in the format that it is today is probably the multi- billion dollar question. There would be I am sure, plenty of smarter people than me working on what will probably be the next big thing. I do however think that personal branding will become more & more important & that out own personal profile will take on a greater & greater significance across all of the platforms.
How much should we pay for a good Headshot ? There are a few things to consider-
1. budget 2. Use 3. market
Budget or how much can we afford. This is always the burning question. I would break it down like this and I will briefly touch on use as well. If I am a business man or woman and i need to put my profile Image on my website. I am using this website to attract customers. We know that customers are more & more looking to connect with service providers and form a relationship. Marketeers are telling us that we need to have a profile Image on our website. If your image starts to become the hub of your personal profile because we also know that people are also becoming more image conscious, how much should we pay?
There are a multitude of options out there but I think you should be looking to pay anywhere from $200 -$500 per Headshot shoot. This, I believe would guarantee quality & is reasonably inexpensive when you break it down. Headshots should stay current for 3 years, maybe 4. Is less that $100.00 per year expensive for a major part of our marketing profile ? If you are an actor, your Headshot is THE cornerstone of your ability to attract casting directors, again, $100.00 per year doesn’t seem like much for a good quality well lit headshot. Lets face it we don’t want our profile Image to look like our drivers license or passport photo, do we ?