About 2 years ago after some sound advice from my Business Coach – Rock Paper Scissors Coaching. I made the decision to niche myself into the Headshot Market.
There were a few contributing factors. This will be my attempt to explain them.
1. Research told me and my own personal experience confirmed that Social Media was here to stay and although it might change over time and in another 5 years it might not be Facebook or Linked In there will be something.
2. All of our online experiences, whatever they are, groups, social media, blogs, websites all involve providing a profile image of some type.
3. People want to do business with people not necessarily with companies.
4. Relationship marketing is growing and will continue to grow.
5. Our online profile along with our activity online will become as important as the products we sell.
6. We have become very imagery aware and can instantly tell the difference between a professional quality image and a snapshot.
Since I made the decision we have started to follow the Amercian trend and the desire for a Professional Quality Headshot for business and corporate identities has started to explode.
Statistics are now also starting to point to the need for a Professional Quality Headshot.
People spend 4 seconds evaluating you based on your Profile Image and on Linked In, if your Image is obviously not professional then 86% of people won’t even read your profile information.
In my next blog I will talk about my sessions and the 2 major principles they are based upon –
1. People hate having their photograph taken
2. Most people have never been taught about their face, how to hold their head, how to form expressions using their mouth,eyes & eyebrows that will ensure that they look confident, approachable, professional and more importantly look like themselves and show their personality.
I love this article about Headshots its gives some great advice about what not to do – https://www.marketingprofs.com/opinions/2012/23614/19-reasons-your-headshot-may-be-an-epic-fail