I’ve added my Price Page to My Website
I’ve added my price page to my website. Why did I do this ? Well, there were a few main reasons.
- I realize that it is always the 1st question that people ask when they contact you
- By listing my prices it gives the Potential Client a better experience by showing all the information that they require
- It wastes less of the potential clients time especially if they are looking to make a booking quickly
- Potential Clients can make a better informed decision before contacting you
- The booking process is smoother because Potential clients already know price and they are not getting surprised
- It saves my time by removing a of couple of steps from the booking process
- I hope I am providing a more efficient service to my clients
The Headshot Guys want to provide a service that is second to none. We stand by our Imagery and offer a 100% money back guarantee, we also want to be able to stand by our level of service.
We aim to be the best Headshot Photographers in Australia so our Imagery Style & level of service needs to be beyond reproach.