Headshots & Profile Images have long been the domain of actors & actresses as they used them to glean work in the television & movie industry. As social media has exploded across the world the importance of having a good headshot or profile image for others has exploded along with it. I will discuss why it has become important & then I will discuss who needs one.
Why are headshots/profile images so important ? There are few people nowadays in the civilized world that don’t have some type of online presence, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter just to name a few. More & more people are also beginning to have their own websites for business purposes. As our need for speed increases so does that time we spend searching on the internet for items. As much as the large retail outlets complain, I think the flood gates are opening and more & more people are realizing the ease and effectiveness of online shopping. My family has been using Coles online for nearly 4 years. Why, because its easy, the items are delivered right to your door, my wife doesn’t need to tromps around a supermarket dragging 2 kids with her & its actually cheaper. Yes, cheaper, why because you don’t do the impulse buying that supermarkets love so much. On average i think i save $50.00 per week in impulse buying.
I digress ! Online shopping is big and getting bigger. As people get used to doing more and more online it transposes that they will order other things online as well. Trades, solicitors, accountants, professional services etc I can’t remember the last time I actually picked up a Yellow pages and looked for a business service or telephone number. I am showing my age, I am sure there are many that have never done it.
Relationship marketing & personal branding ? What are they ? Relationship marketing is the type of thing you see businesses doing online with their Facebook pages, Twitter & Linked In accounts. They are engaging online with an audience and forming a relationship, asking questions, giving opinions, providing information etc They do this to put their business or service uppermost in a persons minds eye when they are looking to utilize that type of service. The reasoning behind this is that you are more likely to purchase from someone that you know than to turn to someone else. Personal Branding is about You & the message you are sending to your audience, whether it be you family, friends, associates, businesses etc.
Who needs a Headshot & profile Image ? I would say anyone that has any type of online profile. School leavers, job hunters professionals, trades people and the list goes on. There is no secret that potential employers are looking at peoples Facebook profiles as part of the selection process. Highly unlikely that someone would engage your services without checking you out online.
Its time to think, what does your headshot say about you and /or your business ?